Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tired of Growing, But Not Weary of Growth

I'm finding that being in the middle of a prolonged growth spurt, a season of growth, is tiring. I long for stability, settledness, and surety. Often these characteristics don't come apart from the growth, so life can be a bit of a catch 22. The joy, the peace, the fruit is the result of the growth.

The growing process is tiring when it keeps coming, but intermittently the joy arrives among the leaves of the growth. Once growth stops, it feels good, but the danger lurking around the corner is complacency, selfishness, and laziness. So perhaps it is better to always be growing a little than to have growth spurts all at once.

In either case, all growth is useful and beneficial in the end. That's why growing weary of growth is not a problem, because the end result is a better life than where I was before. Perseverance enables us to keep going, because we know we are headed in the right direction.

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