Friday, October 17, 2008

A Story As Unique As You and I

You are a unique individual. So am I. There is no one else like you. There is only one Brian Daniel Stankich in the entire world.

Think of it! It doesn't matter what your name is, what country you live in, how old you are, or what your background may be. There are no duplicate you's. In fact, names, ages, backgrounds, etc., are a big part of what makes! I hope you are excited about this, because I am.

I am excited about myself. I am growing my story as I type. Back in the day, I viewed life as "happening to me." Now I try to make life happen, recognizing that there is a whole lot of life that I cannot control.

I'm also excited about you and your story. My desire is to have a blog where people can swap stories, learn how to grow in healthy ways, and encourage one another. Whether this blog is my "dream story" blog or not, I hope it is a place where you can get to know me better and where I can find out more about you as well.

As I go, I grow. As I grow, I story. Go, story, grow!


Vance and Patty Woodyard said...

Hey Brian,

Cool Blog. Enjoy reading your articles. My Mom told me I should see Fireproof. Guess I should...

Way to Grow!


Anonymous said...

Great story and looking forward to reading as you grow! You do look good for your age if that is your real age!!!! Will be thinking of you this week as well. I clicked on the marriage book and you are the only one out there that has read/commented on it, so I guess I will add it to my list.


Brian Daniel Stankich said...

Fireproof was excellent and I have heard so many people say it has blessed their marriage.